Ground Truths
Ground truths are question-answer pairs and allow you to teach Veezoo how to answer questions. They are used by Veezoo when answering similar questions.
For example, let's say you have data about a customer, which has both a nationality and country of residence defined You then may want Veezoo to answer the question "Number of customers per country" with either of the two. By adding a ground truth for this question, Veezoo will be biased towards your preferred way of answering this question.
Additionally, ground truths can help Veezoo with answering particularly difficult questions, or just questions it gets wrong at the moment.
How to create it
First, open Studio and click to create a new Ground Truth file in the Sidebar. When the modal appears, give it a name, e.g. "ground_truths".

The new file generated will already have an example ground truth for you to modify.

Ground truths are defined by a question and the answer as VQL, for example:
qb {
ground_truth PreferNationalityOverCountryOfResidence {
question.en: "Number of customers per country"
vql: """
var customer: kb.Customer
# Prefer nationality over country of residence
select(count(customer) by (customer.Nationality))