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Hierarchy Class


Sometimes the entities of a class form a hierarchy, which is either defined in the database or explicitly in the knowledge graph.

Example: South Europe is a region that is part of Europe, forming a hierarchy.


To define it, you will need to first add a couple of tags to your class.

kb {
class Region {
name.en: "Region"

tag: [


Hierarchy not in the database

If your hierarchy is not defined in your database (e.g. there is a South Europe, but no Europe in the database), you can manually define the hierarchy over Studio.

To do this, open the entities file for your class in Studio. You can find it by clicking on the list icon on the Studio sidebar next to the class name.

Entities File

As an example, let's say you've opened the entities file for the Region class and saw this:

kb.Region {

entity South_Europe_123 {
name.en: "South Europe"

id: "123"

entity North_Europe_124 {
name.en: "North Europe"

id: "124"

entity Central_Europe_125 {
name.en: "Central Europe"

id: "125"

Now, assume we want to add new hierarchy nodes "Europe" and "EMEA" in order to model a hierarchy of regions.

To this end, we manually add two new entities "Europe" and "EMEA", and let the parent attribute of the respective child entities refer to their parents (e.g., "Europe" is the parent of "South Europe"). Note that:

  • All leafs of the hierarchy (i.e., the entities without any children) must be assigned the tag KB_HierarchyLeaf
  • All inner nodes of the hierarchy must be assigned the tag KB_HierarchyNode
  • The new entities "Europe" and "EMEA" do not correspond to any value stored in the database, hence we do not set an id attribute for them. Such entities are called virtual entities.

Resulting entities file:

kb.Region {

entity South_Europe_123 {
name.en: "South Europe"

// Add this to all hierarchy leaves
tag: KB_HierarchyLeaf

// Specify the node in the next level of the hierarchy
parent: Europe

id: "123"

entity North_Europe_124 {
name.en: "North Europe"

// Add this to all hierarchy leaves
tag: KB_HierarchyLeaf

// Specify the node in the next level of the hierarchy
parent: Europe

id: "124"

entity Central_Europe_125 {
name.en: "Central Europe"

// Add this to all hierarchy leaves
tag: KB_HierarchyLeaf

// Specify the node in the next level of the hierarchy
parent: Europe

id: "125"

// Add this new entity manually
entity EMEA {
name.en: "EMEA"

// Add this to all inner hierarchy nodes
tag: KB_HierarchyNode

// NOTE: No id is defined, as there is no corresponding value for "EMEA" in the data

// Add this new entity manually
entity Europe {
name.en: "Europe"

// Add this to all inner hierarchy nodes
tag: KB_HierarchyNode

// The hierarchy can have multiple levels
parent: EMEA

// NOTE: No id is defined, as there is no corresponding value for "Europe" in the data

Hierarchy present in the database

If the hierarchy is present in the database, you can use it to automatically generate the parent attributes of the entities.

To achieve this, ensure your database includes a column that specifies the parent for each row; rows without a parent should have NULL in this column. Then, you can add the hierarchy_column field to your class definition:

import: [

kb {
class Region {
name.en: "Region"

tag: [

hierarchy_column: region.parent_region


Classes with entities defined using custom entities sql can also have automatically generated hierarchies. For more details, please refer to that page.