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dynamic_display_name is a property used in the Veezoo configuration to define how a certain element, such as a function or attribute, is displayed to the end user. This can help in making the user interface more intuitive and human-readable.


dynamic_display_name is a string that includes placeholders for the arguments. These placeholders are represented by $1, $2, $3, etc., corresponding to the first, second, third, etc., arguments. These placeholders will be replaced with the actual arguments when the function is called.


Consider the Leap Year function from the examples here. The dynamic_display_name property is used to define how the function's operation is displayed to the user:

function Leap_Year {
name: "Leap Year"

// The name with the argument.
dynamic_display_name: "$1 is in leap year"

// Rest of function definition...

In this example, when Leap Year function is used with a date argument, the displayed name will be "[Date] is in leap year". For example, if the function is used with a column named Birthdate, the dynamic display name will show as "Birthdate is in leap year".


When defining dynamic_display_name:

  • Ensure the name is descriptive and clear to the end user.
  • Use placeholders correctly to correspond to the right arguments.
  • Keep the name succinct yet informative for the best user experience.

Remember, dynamic_display_name does not affect the actual function operation but merely how it is presented to the user. It's a powerful tool for making Veezoo's insights more understandable and user-friendly.